Thursday, December 9, 2010

I'm alive!

Sorry for the spread format but you get the idea. Took me a whopping two hours to knock this one out! Yes I know the perspective on the rocket is screwed up.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pansy Lady

This is my final for my watercolor class. I was having so much fun that I finished a week early and I wanted to get some critique on it before I turn it in. Sorry that the picture didn't have the best light. The matte it's in is white, just to give you an idea. Thanks! Can you believe this is for my grandma? :) Pansies are her favorite flower, especially the purple and yellow ones, and her email address is pansylady. So I took the opportunity to do a fun illustration, my watercolor final, and my grandma's Christmas gift all in one. I hope it'll make it to Florida in time.