Another Update. Sorry for the low res. I am still experimenting with graphic vs representational style. You can see the differences in the other pics I left up. Also, i am still working on the apron, gloves and boots for mr. lance on the left.
EDIT: Hows this? I had some crits after thinking that the gesture was simply too awkward. I added a gun holster to her leg, and a sidearm holster similar to detectives. I added a satchel for good measure. :)
I am needing feedback for her pose. ignore her right hand, I was just having fun. :) Anyway I am playing with a new way of doing things, (aka my digital process) She is wearing a kind of jumpsuit they use in the air force. I am needing to check my sources but I am going to ensure that they used a similar style of uniform around 1940s. either way this is a second concept of Evelynn that I feel like I am connecting with more. I want to add belts, and such but I will show you once I get them in. What do you guys think of her? Right now I only have local colors, but once I nail the pose I want to proceed adding the shading. I have included one of the color comps of Adom, and the wip of her father lance. He is a gunsmith, and she has been his apprentice/daughter for all her life. I put Adom in there for scale mostly, but in the end I will better hook them up as a whole.There are two more characters to come, so stay tuned. The sooner I have crits the better. Thanks everyone!